Des infos sur le suicide de Rozz Williams...

Voici le message tel que je l'ai reçu le 3 avril :
Here is the email as I received it the april 3rd:

"In the event that anyone either may not have heard or has heard and does not believe it, let this message confirm the fact that Rozz Williams is dead.

He was found in his bedroom by his roommate on the evening of April 1st. -- he hung himself. No-one close to him knows why, and no note was left.

I am beyond grief and so fucking steeped in disbelief and mourning that I fail to find the words for it.

Please forgive the shortness of this statement -- I am in tears as I write this. I just felt that those of you who knew him or cared should know. Know in your hearts that the world has lost one of the most brilliant and wonderful people who ever bothered to walk its ground -- I will miss him in a way I can never hope to explain to any of you."

William Faith

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