BELLY - Frank Black - Trisomie 21 - Legendary Pink Dots - Wedding Present - Pulp - Noir Désir - Drop Nineteens - Carmine - Sundays

Myrna Loy - Wonky Alice - Nine Inch Nails - Out of Nowhere - The Cult - Franck and Walters - Unsane - Colm - Burning Heads - Ultra Vivid Scene

All About Eve "Ultraviolet"
Bootsauce "Bull"
Bourbonese Qualk "Unpop"
Burning Heads "Burning heads"
Cell "Slo blo"
Codeine "Barely real "
Come "Eleven eleven"
Damon and Naomi "More sad hits"
Die Haut "Head on"
Dinosaur Jr "Where you been"
Fat Tulips "Nostalgia"
Frank and Walters "Trains, boats and planes"
Frank Tovey and The Pyros "Worried men in second-hand suits"
Freedom of Choice "Yesterday's new wave hits as performed by today's stars"
Harbourkings "The big kahuna"
In Voluptate Morse "K7 compilation"
James Chance and The Contorsions "Soul exorcism"
Jesus Jones "Perverse"
Jesus Lizard "Liar"
Love is Colder than Death "Mental Traveller"
Mercury Rev "Yerself is steam" "Lego my ego"
Modern English "After the snow"
Moonshake "Eva Luna"
Ned's Atomic Dustbin "Are you normal ?"
Nine Inch Nails "Broken" "Fixed"
Nirvana "Incesticide"
Orb "U.F. Orb"
Rozz Williams "Every kind a bastard son"
Rubicon "What starts ends"
Sandow "Fatalia"
Sebadoh "Versus helmet"
Sleeping Dogs Wake "Up"
Sol Invictus "Kings & Queens"
Sundays "Blind"
Superchunk "On the mouth"
Techno God "Intoxigen"
Therapy? "Nurse"
Throwing Muses "The curse"
Tony Wakeford "Steven Stapelton - Revenge of the selfish shellfish"
Tuu "One thousand years"
Underground Lovers "Leaves me blind"
Unrest "Imperial"
Unsane "Singles 89 / 92"
Welcome to Julian "Never so close"
Will "Word flesh stone"
Wolfsheim "No happy view"
Xymox "Metamorphosis"
Compilation "Mindfield - A Third Mind Record Sampler"
Compilation "Mesomorph Enduros"
+ Chroniques Express...
Date de sortie : 27/02/1993
- Commander