LUSH - The Auteurs - Denim - Grotus - LFO - Foetus - The Rentals - Moby - Project Pitchfork - Cocteau Twins

Tripping Daisy - Natacha Atlas - Definition of Sound - Christian Death - Martin Newell - High Llamas - ESP Continent - I AlOne

Scheer - Linda Smith - Fuel - Scanner - Jack - Franck Darcel - Toenut - Sopor Aeternus

2 Foot Flame "An exciting novel..."
Acuff's Rose "Son of the north wind"
Afghan Whigs "Black love"
Anorexia Nervosa "Nihil negativum"
April March "Gainsbourgsion !"
Bad Religion "The gray race"
Bel Canto "Magic box"
Bob Mould "Bob Mould"
Brainiac "Hissing prigs in static couture"
Chako "Ebb & flow"
Cocteau Twins "Milk and kisses"
Combustible Edison "Schizophonic !"
Dada's Noise "Corps et âme"
Delta of Venus "Neutral A"
Denim "Denim on ice"
Divine Comedy "Casanova"
E.S.P. Continent "Mars is a ten"
Endraum "Innerlichkeit"
Flying Saucer Attack "Chorus"
Frank Darcel "Atao"
Girls Against Boys "House of GVSB"
Grotus "Mass"
Hammerhead "Duh, the big city"
Hannah Marcus "River of darkness"
High Llamas "Hawaii"
Howie B. "Music for babies"
Index "Sky Laced silver"
Joyrider "Be special"
June "I am beautiful"
Katerine "Les mauvaises fréquentations"
Killing Joke "Democracy"
La Vierge du Chancelier Rolin "Eva King"
Labradford "Prazision"
Laugh "Blue & yellow"
Les Jumeaux "Feathercut"
Letters to Cleo "Wholesale meats and fish"
Lori Carson "Where it goes"
Lungfish "Sound in time"
Lush "Lovelife"
Mark Eitzel "60 watt silver lining"
Mekons & Kathy Acker "Pussy, king of pirates"
Ministry "Filth pig"
Moby "Everything is wrong (D.J mix)"
Mr Bungle "Disco volante"
Naked Apes "Naked apes"
Nefilim "Zoon"
Opéra Multi Steel "Days of creation"
R.O.C. "R.O.C."
Red Sleeping Beauty "Bedroom"
Rentals "Return of the Rentals"
Revelino "Revelino"
Ride "Tarantula"
Rocketship "A certain smile, a certain sadness"
Rooms "Small"
Scanner "Sulphur"
Serge Teyssot-Gay "Silence radio"
Shack "Waterpistol"
Shed Seven "A maximum high"
Silke Bischoff "To protect and to serve"
Simon Joyner "Heaven's gate"
Skinny Puppy "Brap (back and forth vol. 3 & 4)"
Skinny Puppy "The process"
Slipstream "Side effects"
Stereolab "Emperor Tomato Ketchup"
Tarnation "I'll give you something to cry about !"
Taste of JoyTrigger "Fables"
Thugs "Strike"
Today Is The Day "Today is the day"
Toenut "Information"
Tripping Daisy "I am an elastic firecracker"
Wayne Kramer "Dangerous madness"
Compilation "em:t5595"
Compilation "Organism 03"
Compilation "The passion of covers"
Compilation "Très hors 2"
+ Chroniques Express...
Date de sortie : 25/04/1996
- Commander